RingBuffer (环形缓冲区),是一种用于表示一个固定尺寸、头尾相连的缓冲区的数据结构,适合缓存数据流(用来实现轮转功能的日志也很合适)。
我们可以将RingBuffer实现为一个不停覆盖尾部的版本, 以提供一种高性能的有限无锁队列:
- 它使用数组,比链表要快,且基于一个可预测的访问模式(数组内元素的内存地址 具有连续性),意味着它是CPU缓存友好的——在硬件级别,数组中的元素是会被预加载的;
- 在程序生命周期内,这个数组会一直存在,不需要经常做垃圾回收(没有抖动就没有伤害)。
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class RingBuffer[T: Manifest](capacity: Int) { private var _head = 0 private var _tail = 0 private var _size = 0 private val queue = new Array[T](capacity) def size: Int = this._size def isEmpty: Boolean = this._size == 0 def isFull: Boolean = this._size == capacity def peek: T = this.queue(this._head) def enqueue(elem: T): Int = { this.queue(this._tail) = elem if (!this.isFull) this._size += 1 else this._head = (this._head + 1) % this.capacity this._tail = (this._head + this._size) % this.capacity this.size } def dequeue: T = { if (this.isEmpty) throw new Exception("RingBuffer is empty") val elem = this.peek this._size -= 1 this._head = (this._head + 1) % this.capacity elem } } |
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import org.scalatest._ class RingBufferSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { describe("A RingBuffer") { val ringBuffer = new RingBuffer[Int](3) it("should have a fixed-size") { var size = ringBuffer.enqueue(1) size should be (1) size = ringBuffer.enqueue(2) size should be (2) size = ringBuffer.enqueue(3) size should be (3) size = ringBuffer.enqueue(4) size should be (3) } it("should be a circular queue") { var elem = ringBuffer.dequeue elem should be (2) elem = ringBuffer.dequeue elem should be (3) elem = ringBuffer.dequeue elem should be (4) } } } |